Wednesday 14 December 2011

Helen's Birthday

 Our on line group has a birthday swap every year my birthday partner was in December.  My swap partner was Helen. We had to make something starting with the letter from were we live. My Town started with the letter G so I made a Gail Pan table runner in green fabric. I also gave her Ginger bread babies, Gobstopper, green fabric,
 This is the card that I gave Helen it also had a book mark on the side of it. I also gave her some of my home made smelly buttons. 
This is a close up of the stitchery. I am so glad you love them Helen.
Roseanne xx


De said...

and a lovely job you did too!

Julie said...

So pretty!!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

You dis such a good job Razzy....